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San Jose, California, United States

Thursday, January 7, 2010

What I've done at Work

It is 7:30 and I just finished breakfast here in the Ramada. Last night I was pretty tired after walking around alot looking at apartments. I began looking with my three coworkers for a 4 bedroom place, but we have decided it will be much easier to find 2 2bedroom places. I will be living with Leo, who just graduated Ga Tech in Industrial Engineering.

When we first got to the office Monday, we were told about the history and heirarchy of the company. After that, we were told that there was no one in San Jose to train us and that we may be going to Singapore soon. We were instructed to spend this week getting settled in to San Jose and reading "The Goal"(book that our company is based on).

The implementers have an office with 8 desks that is for who ever is in town at the time. It is called the bullpen. There are about 35-40 implementers but at any given time only 2-6 are in town. We have filled out alot of paperwork, read, and looked at just about every apartment and house for rent in downtown San Jose.

We were told yesterday that there isn't anything planned for next week yet but after that it looks like we will be going to Singapore. There is someone there that can train us for about 10 days. After that we will be deployed to a project very shortly.

After work I have spent alot of time with the other three new guys(Raymond, Leo, another Sam). They all went to Ga Tech and just graduated in Industrial Engineering. They did not know each other before work and all three were in different fraternities.

I have been eating breakfast at the Ramada every morning. (OJ, Apple Jacks, eggos, bagles and cream cheese. ect) For Lunch we have been going out with people from the office. The hours are very relaxed. We are suppose to work from 9-5 but we ar e free to take lunch whenever we would like, and we are free to go look at apartments and take care of things as needed. The company is only about 100 people and there is alot of trust in the office. There really seems to be a team atmosphere.

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