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San Jose, California, United States

Monday, September 3, 2012

Back to school, back to school, to prove to dad that I'm no fool...

After only two weeks my entire perspective on how I spent 2005-2009 at Clemson, and higher learning in general has changed.  As my mom told me, "university is wasted on the youth" and I could not agree more.  How many 18-22 year olds pay outrageous fees and waste time in classes memorizing but not learning information?

This time at Clemson is much different.  I have come with a single goal in mind.  To be a better, more well-rounded knowledgable person by December.  I will be 26 with a few years of real world experience and a BS in Industrial Engineering.  The opportunities in January have kept me day dreaming for weeks.

My experience in IT implementations compelled me to take a class from the management school, "Mgt 455: Emerging IT trends".  I think the class has already paid off by what I have learned in two lessons because it has given me the time to put my experience in perspective.  A lot of emotions are involved when working with a startup company and everyone thinks they are the next big thing.

What resonated with me was the discussion on standards.  By learning about the history of how standards have affected the technologies and their competing companies, I feel the ability to look at my career with slightly less bias.  This is always a discussion we have internally and with the customer.  Next time I am part of such a conversation, I feel I will better insight on the importance and where not to compromise.

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